OpenMP Monte Carlo \(\pi\)

Let’s parallelize our Monte Carlo example of computing pi.


We want each thread to have independent random numbers. We do this by creating a random number generator separately on each thread with different seeds.

Then this calculation can proceed in a trivially parallel fashion. The only thing we need to do is mark the sum for a reduction at the end of the parallel region.

Listing 131 pi.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include <random>
#include <cmath>

#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>

const int N = 1000000;

int main() {

#ifdef _OPENMP
    auto start = omp_get_wtime();

    int N_circle{0};

    #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:N_circle)

        // each thread will have its own random number
        // engine

        std::random_device rd;
#ifdef _OPENMP
        std::seed_seq seed{static_cast<int>(rd()), omp_get_thread_num()};
        std::seed_seq seed{static_cast<int>(rd())};
        std::mt19937 generator(seed);
        std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform(0.0, 1.0);

        #pragma omp for
        for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {

            double x = uniform(generator);
            double y = uniform(generator);

            double r2 = std::pow(x - 0.5, 2) + std::pow(y - 0.5, 2);

            if (r2 <= 0.25) {



    std::cout << "pi = " << std::setprecision(10)
              << 4 * static_cast<double>(N_circle) / N << std::endl;

#ifdef _OPENMP
    std::cout << "time = " << omp_get_wtime() - start << std::endl;



There is one further trick here—all of the OpenMP stuff is wrapped in #ifdef _OPENMP—the _OPENMP preprocessor variable is defined by the standard if we are building with OpenMP. By wrapping those features, this allows the code to be compiled without OpenMP if we desire.