Object-Oriented Design


The use of classes to organize concepts into reusable software objects containing data and functions is the hallmark of object-oriented programming.

Some basic concepts when working with classes:

  • Instance / object: A class provides the definitions of the member data and function that work together to describe a concept. We create an instance of a class, resulting in an object. This is something that is defined in our system’s memory. We can have multiple objects of the same class, each with their own memory.

  • Constructor / destructor: a constructor is a function that is called when we create an instance of a class. Its job is to allocate any memory and initialize values of the member data.

    A destructor is a function that is called when we destroy our object—usually by letting it go out of scope. Its job is to free any memory we allocated and do any other needed clean-up.

Core concepts in OO programming are listed below. It’s hard to find precise definitions of these, and they often seem to overlap a bit in what they mean.

  • Encapsulation: : this means we hide how the data in the class is stored. For example, by making the member data private.

    There may be setters and getters to access some information, but the types of objects that are used are hidden from a user of the class. This allows us to change how we store the data (refactor the code) without affecting users of the class.

  • Inheritance: this means that we can use a class as the base class (or superclass) to define new classes. These new classes inherit all of the data and functions of the base, but can also change its behavior as needed to work in a new way, specific to the new class.

  • abstraction : this works at the level of the interfaces of the member functions of the class. Similar to encapsulation, it hides implementation details from the user.

    For example, operator overloading the + operator to work with our vectors is an example of abstraction. We used something familiar to ourself to work on our vectors without having to know how it is implemented in the class.

    Another example comes into play with inheritance, where a base class implements the interface that all of the child classes will then define for their specific data.

  • polymorphism : this is another type of abstraction, and means “many forms”. This typically means that we have functions that know how to operate with different types. Overloading functions and operators with the same name is an example of polymorphism.

A nice discussion about the difference between abstraction and encapsulation is given in this Difference between abstraction and encapsulation? Stack Overflow question.

Concisely, it says:

  • encapsulation means information hiding

  • abstraction means implementation hiding