Convergence Testing

Previously we considered integrating the orbit of a planet (and you are looking at this further with 2nd order Runge-Kutta) in your homework.

Consider the problem:

\[\frac{dy}{dt} = -y\]

This has the solution:

\[y(t) = y(0) e^{-t}\]

We can integrate this using first order Euler and 2nd order Runge Kutta (RK2) and compute the error with respect to the analytic solution. As we reduce the timestep, the error in the Euler method should decrease as \(\Delta t\), while for the RK2 method it will decrease as \((\Delta t)^2\).

Here’s an implementation that integrates with both Euler and RK2 using a variety of timesteps (each time halving the timestep):

Listing 83 exponential.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>

double rhs(double t, double y) {
    double dydt = -y;
    return dydt;

double true_y(double y0, double t) {
    return y0 * std::exp(-t);

double integrate(double y0, double dt, double tmax) {

    double t = 0.0;

    double y = y0;

    while (t < tmax) {

        if (t + dt > tmax) {
            dt = tmax - t;

        y += dt * rhs(t, y);
        t += dt;

    return y;


double integrate_rk2(double y0, double dt, double tmax) {

    double t = 0.0;
    double y = y0;

    while (t < tmax) {

        if (t + dt > tmax) {
            dt = tmax - t;

        double ytmp = y + 0.5 * dt * rhs(t, y);

        y += dt * rhs(t + 0.5*dt, ytmp);
        t += dt;

    return y;


int main() {

    double y0 = 1.0;
    double dt = 0.1;
    double tmax = 1.0;

    double err_euler;
    double err_rk2;

    std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << std::scientific;

    std::cout << "#" << std::setw(20)
              << "dt" << std::setw(20)
              << "Euler" << std::setw(20)
              << "RK2" << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        err_euler = std::abs(integrate(y0, dt, tmax) - true_y(y0, tmax));
        err_rk2 = std::abs(integrate_rk2(y0, dt, tmax) - true_y(y0, tmax));

        std::cout << std::setw(20) << dt
                  << std::setw(20) << err_euler
                  << std::setw(20) << err_rk2 << std::endl;

        dt /= 2;


When run, we get output like:

#                  dt               Euler                 RK2
        1.000000e-01        1.920100e-02        6.615437e-04
        5.000000e-02        9.393519e-03        1.591805e-04
        2.500000e-02        4.647001e-03        3.904855e-05
        1.250000e-02        2.311297e-03        9.670584e-06
        6.250000e-03        1.152626e-03        2.406311e-06
        3.125000e-03        5.755613e-04        6.001677e-07
        1.562500e-03        2.875931e-04        1.498661e-07
        7.812500e-04        1.437497e-04        3.744456e-08
        3.906250e-04        7.186315e-05        9.358385e-09
        1.953125e-04        3.592865e-05        2.339293e-09

We see that we get the expected convergence for both solvers: when cutting dt in half, the Euler error goes down by \(\sim 2\) and the RK2 error goes down by \(\sim 4\).


One key part of getting the convergence correct: roundoff error means that our steps with dt may not exactly end at the final time. So we need to check for this and adjust the last timestep to ensure we hit the correct time:

if (t + dt > tmax) {
    dt = tmax - t;