Stuff We Didn’t Cover

static member data

static members of a class are not associated with objects that are instances of the class but instead there is one value for all instances of the class. In this sense, they act as global data in the class’s namespace.

Memory management

We’ve been relying mainly on objects that manage their own memory internally (like std::vector). We saw one instance of allocating memory on our own using new or by make_unique. The latter is the safest way to deal with allocating memory.

Regular expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful way to search for patterns and extract substrings out of strings. The C++ regular expressions library provides all the capability needed to work with regular expressions.


A profiler will allow you to time independent functions or even lines of code and generate a report telling you where your code spends most of its time.

GNU gprof is the GNU profiler than can be used with g++.