Unit Testing

Unit tests for Vector2d


There are a lot of unit testing frameworks for C++ programs (for example, Catch2). We are just going to something simple here.

We can use the basic assert statement together with a makefile target to automate testing.


assert will end the execution at the first failure. We could instead keep track of the number of failures and explicitly return that as the return value of main, with 0 signifying all tests passing.

We’ll do this with our Vector2d class from Example: Mathematical Vectors.

The basic structure we will use is:

int main() {

    // create some vectors v1 and v2

    // do some operations on v1 and v2

    // assert the result


Ideally, we’d like to be able to capture the success of our test in a Bash script, so let’s start by checking what the return value of a program that failed an assert is

Consider the following:

#include <cassert>

int main() {



Let’s build and run that, and then check the return code via:

echo $?

On my machine, I get 134, but the actual code may vary depending on the compiler and OS. The key however is that it is non-zero. This means that we can test for a non-zero return in a script.

Comparing vectors

To make life easier, we’d like to be able to check if two vectors are equal, using ==, and not equal, using !=.

So we want to overload those operators and add them to our class:

bool operator== (const Vector2d& vec) const {
    return x == vec.x && y == vec.y;

bool operator!= (const Vector2d& vec) const {
    return x != vec.x || y != vec.y;

The const after the argument list allows these to be used on a const Vector2d object.

These should be added directly to the class in vector2d.H. The updated header is:

Listing 80 vector2d.H
#ifndef VECTOR_2D_H
#define VECTOR_2D_H

#include <iostream>

class Vector2d {


    // our member data

    double x;
    double y;


    // default constructor

        : x{0.0}, y{0.0}

    // another constructor

    Vector2d(double _x, double _y)
        : x{_x}, y{_y}

    // setters

    inline void set_x(double _x) {x = _x;}

    inline void set_y(double _y) {y = _y;}

    // operators

    // add two vectors

    Vector2d operator+ (const Vector2d& vec) {
        Vector2d v_out;
        v_out.x = x + vec.x;
        v_out.y = y + vec.y;
        return v_out;

    // subtract two vectors

    Vector2d operator- (const Vector2d& vec) {
        Vector2d v_out;
        v_out.x = x - vec.x;
        v_out.y = y - vec.y;
        return v_out;

    // unary minus

    Vector2d operator- () {
        Vector2d v_out;
        v_out.x = -x;
        v_out.y = -y;
        return v_out;

    // comparison

    bool operator== (const Vector2d& vec) const {
        return x == vec.x && y == vec.y;

    bool operator!= (const Vector2d& vec) const {
        return x != vec.x || y != vec.y;

    // << is not a class member, but needs access to the member data

    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Vector2d& v);

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Vector2d& v)
    os << "(" << v.x << ", " << v.y << ")";
    return os;


Writing tests

Let’s write some basic tests:

Listing 81 unit_test_vector2d.cpp
#include "vector2d.H"
#include <cassert>

int main() {

    auto v1 = Vector2d(2, 4);
    auto v2 = Vector2d(-1, 7);

    // test addition

    std::cout << "testing addition" << std::endl;

    assert(v1 + v2 == Vector2d(1, 11));

    // test subtraction

    std::cout << "testing subtraction" << std::endl;

    assert(v1 - v2 == Vector2d(3, -3));

    // test unary minus

    std::cout << "testing unary minus" << std::endl;

    assert(-v1 == Vector2d(-2, -4));

    // test not equal

    std::cout << "testing inequality" << std::endl;

    assert(v1 != v2);

    // test the setters and the default constructor


    std::cout << "testing setters" << std::endl;

    assert(v1 == Vector2d());

    std::cout << "all tests passed" << std::endl;

These tests cover most of the functionality we explicitly implemented in vector2d.H. As written, they should all pass.

Automating with make

We’d like to provide a way to automate these tests. Our first method will be via make that we can run on our own computer.

Let’s start with the general GNUmakefile we developed in our Makefiles section.


There is a GNU make shell function that looks like it might work, but that actually expands the command and then tries to execute the output.

Here’s what the rule would look like:

testing: unit_test_vector2d
     ./unit_test_vector2d > /dev/null
     @if [ $$? == 0 ]; then echo "tests passed"; fi

After we run our command (we redirect stdout to /dev/null to make it quiet) we use an if-then statement to check the output. Note the @ at the start of the line makes it so make doesn’t print the command itself to the screen, just the output.

Here’s the full version:

Listing 82 GNUmakefile
# by default, make will try to build the first target it encounters.
# here we make up a dummy name "ALL" (note: this is not a special make
# name, it is just commonly used).

ALL: unit_test_vector2d

# find all of the source files and header files

SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp)
HEADERS := $(wildcard *.H)

# create a list of object files by replacing .cpp with .o

OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)

# a recipe for making an object file from a .cpp file
# Note: this makes every header file a dependency of every object file,
# which is not ideal, but it is safe.

%.o : %.cpp ${HEADERS}
	g++ -c $<

# explicitly write the rule for linking together the executable

unit_test_vector2d: ${OBJECTS}
	g++ -o $@ ${OBJECTS}

testing: unit_test_vector2d
	./unit_test_vector2d > /dev/null
	@if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "tests passed"; fi

	rm -f *.o unit_test_vector2d

try it…

Let’s make a test fail in our unit_test_vector2d.cpp and make sure that this still works.