
We’ll look at GNU Make to manage building projects that are split across multiple files. Make allows us to specify rules for how to compile and link the code.


A popular alternative to GNU Make is CMake.

We’ll use this to manage our planets + multiple files example.

A first GNUmakefile

Here’s a basic makefile, which we’ll name GNUmakefile:

Listing 44 GNUmakefile
# by default, make will try to build the first target it encounters.
# here we make up a dummy name "ALL" (note: this is not a special make
# name, it is just commonly used).

ALL: planet_sort_split

# explicitly list the rules for making each of the object files

planet_sort_split.o: planet_sort_split.cpp planet.H
	g++ -c planet_sort_split.cpp

planet.o: planet.cpp planet.H
	g++ -c planet.cpp

# explicitly write the rule for linking together the executable

planet_sort_split: planet_sort_split.o planet.o
	g++ -o planet_sort_split planet_sort_split.o planet.o

There are a few different types of lines, but the most important are the rules that are of the form:

target:   dependencies ...


make uses a tab character to indent the commands, not spaces.

For example, the rule:

planet_sort_split.o: planet_sort_split.cpp planet.H
     g++ -c planet_sort_split.cpp

says that planet_sort_split.o depends on the files planet_sort_split.cpp and planet.H. And the rule to make it is g++ -c planet_sort_split.cpp. By specifying the dependencies, make knows whether it needs to recompile a file by looking at whether its dependencies changed.

It is common to put a target called ALL at the top, since by default make will try to build the first target it encounters.

We build the project by doing:


try it…

If you type make again, it doesn’t do anything, since none of the source files changed, so it does not need to update the build.

If you modify one file, e.g.,

touch planet.cpp

and then do make again:


Then it will only execute the rules that depend on the file that changed.

Generalizing our GNUmakefile

Our first makefile required us to write a rule for every .cpp file explicitly. Instead, we can use pattern rules and wildcards to automate a lot of the logic.

Here’s the improved GNUmakefile:

Listing 45 new GNUmakefile
# by default, make will try to build the first target it encounters.
# here we make up a dummy name "ALL" (note: this is not a special make
# name, it is just commonly used).

ALL: planet_sort_split

# find all of the source files and header files

SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp)
HEADERS := $(wildcard *.H)

# create a list of object files by replacing .cpp with .o

OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)

# a recipe for making an object file from a .cpp file
# Note: this makes every header file a dependency of every object file,
# which is not ideal, but it is safe.

%.o : %.cpp ${HEADERS}
	g++ -c $<

# explicitly write the rule for linking together the executable

planet_sort_split: ${OBJECTS}
	g++ -o $@ ${OBJECTS}

The first thing we do is find all of the sources and headers:

SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp)
HEADERS := $(wildcard *.H)

The := operator evaluates these expressions immediately when make encounters them and stores the results in the variables SOURCES and HEADERS. To reference the list of files in these variables, we use ${}, e.g., ${SOURCES}.

The next trick is that we create a list of object files by automatically replacing the .cpp extension with a .o extension via the make expression:

OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)

Finally, we have a generic rule to compile a C++ file:

%.o : %.cpp ${HEADERS}
     g++ -c $<

Note that we make every header file a dependency for every object file, whether or not it is included in the source file. This is not necessary, but simplifies how we specify the dependencies.

We use a make automatic variable, $< to indicate the first name in the dependencies.

We use another automatic variable in the final rule, $@ to indicate the name of the target, to be used as the executable name:

planet_sort_split: ${OBJECTS}
     g++ -o $@ ${OBJECTS}

Going further

There are more things we can do to generalize our makefile.

try it…

Modify the GNUmakefile to add the warning flags we discussed earlier to the compilation of each source.


A common target in makefiles is clean, which will delete the intermediate *.o files and the executable.


Here’s a GNUmakefile I use with some of the in-class examples to build several executables in the same directory.