Advection Test Problem#
Consider the advection equation:
This requires initial conditions, \(a(x, t=0)\), and a boundary condition. The solution to this is easy to write down:
any initial profile \(a(\xi)\) is simply advected to the right (for \(u > 0\)) at a velocity \(u\).
To test our solver, we would like a problem with a known solution at any future point in time. For advection, this is easy, since the advection equation preserves any initial function and just moves it to the right (for \(u > 0\)) at a velocity \(u\).
Therefore, we can use periodic boundary conditions on a domain \([0, 1]\) and advect for a time \(1/u\), one period, and we should get back exactly what we started with.
Tophat Initial Conditions#
Our first set of initial conditions is a tophat:
This is discontinuous, so the derivative \(\partial a/\partial x\) is not defined a some regions.
Smooth Initial Conditions#
Our second set of initial conditions is a Gaussian