Undergraduate Classes

AST 100: Astronomy Today

A seminar course on contemporary astronomy topics.
(F2010, F2011, F2014, F2015, F2020, F2022)

AST 105: Introduction to the Solar System

An introduction to the solar system for non-science majors. [syllabus]
(F2007, F2008, F2009, F2011, S2014, S2015)

AST 203: Astronomy

An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics for students with a background in physics. [syllabus]
(S2007, S2008, S2009, S2010, S2011, S2012, S2017, S2019)

AST 205: Introduction to Planetary Sciences

An introduction to the solar system and planets for students with a background in physics. [syllabus]
(F2010, F2014, F2016)

AST 341: Stars and Radiation

An introduction stellar interiors, evolution, and atmospheres. [syllabus]
(F2018, F2020, F2022, F2024)

AST 390: Special Topic: Computational Astrophysics

An overview of numerical methods and their application for astrophysical problems.

Undergraduate Tutorial on Computational Astrophysics


Graduate Classes

PHY 504: Computational Methods in Physics and Astrophysics I

An introduction to the Bash shell, git + github, C++ programming, and software engineering practices.
(S2022, S2024)

PHY 521: Stars

Graduate course on stellar structure, evolution, etc.
(F2013, F2015, F2021, F2023)

PHY 546: Python for Scientific Computing

A one-hour graduate course that introduces python and associated scientific libraries and how the apply to common tasks in scientific computing.
(S2016, S2017, S2018, S2022, S2023, S2024; as special topics, PHY 683: S2014, S2015)

PHY 599: Graduate Seminar: Nuclear, Particle, and Astronomy

(F2006, S2007, S2013)

PHY 604: Computational Methods in Physics and Astrophysics II

A survey of core numerical methods, building up to the numerical solution of PDEs.
(F2017; as special topics, PHY 688: S2013, S2016)

The Application of Simulation in Astrophysics

An introduction to computational astrophysics, focusing in particular on astrophysical hydrodynamics.

Astrophysical Fluids and Plasmas

An introduction to hydrodynamics, fluid instabilities, applications to astrophysics, and an introduction to MHD
(S2018, S2021)