***************************** Helpful C++ Tools / Resources ***************************** References ========== Some websites to help understand the concepts we will encounter include: * cplusplus.com: https://cplusplus.com/ This provides details on all of the features and library functions of C++. It also `includes a tutorial `_. * cppreference.com: https://en.cppreference.com/w/ Another site that provides extensive documentation on all of the language and library features. * stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/ This is a platform where users can pose and answer questions Tutorials / Cheat Sheets ======================== * Hacking C++: https://hackingcpp.com/ This has a wonderful collection of "cheat sheets" showing how a lot of the different parts of the C++ standard library work. * codeguru: https://www.codeguru.com/cplusplus/ This has some nice tutorials on specific C++ features Tools ===== * C++ Insights: https://cppinsights.io This is a source-to-source compiler that can help clarify what some complex C++ patterns are actually doing. * IDE One: https://ideone.com An online compiler that will build and run your code. * GodBolt: https://godbolt.org/ This is a compiler explorer---it will show you the assembly code generated by a variety of different compilers.